Harambee Youth Mentorship and Healthy Advocacy (MHA) is a global smart youth network for young people’s self-actualization, progressive transformation and social development. We strive to create a new generation of active and focused young people who are individually responsible, socially active with an upright global stewardship thought, skills and character for better development outcomes as our mission.
We exist to address problems being caused by global youth population explosion such as extreme violence/crime, Unemployment/poverty, disease, moral decadence and climate change. We do this by enabling young people to mitigate, adopt to and recover from economic, environmental and social shocks and stresses.
Our work is focused on the following four core thematic areas namely:
- Mindset reformation.
- Economic empowerment.
- Health advocacy.
- Green economy advocacy.
We work through an approach of development of youth by the youth delivered through development of a young person’s abilities, competences and skills to practice diligence, self-help and cooperative spirit for global smart stewardship. This is done by our dedicated and generous Trainers, and volunteers through;
- Conducting community awakening outreaches and sensitizations on issues of taking responsibility for personal and community development, primary health matters and green economy revolution and advocacy.
- Establishment and development of Harambee Go clubs in institutions of learning, workplaces and local communities for focused mentorship, couching and training where young people learn and unlearn to adapt to self-belief, progressive transformation and social economic development.
- Connecting sensitized, mentored and reformed young people and women to opportunities in business vocational skilling, IGAs trainings, and enhancing employability skills for graduates
- Establishment of Harambee innovation hives and demonstration farm as business skilling and mentorship centers of excellence in idea generation, business incubation and acceleration towards employment creation in communities.
- Getting involved in primary health trainings, demonstrations such as hygiene and sanitation, and undertaking environmental and climate change mitigation initiatives like planting trees and encouraging community conservation sensitizations
HAYHMA is currently operational in Africa with plans to establish its presence in Asia, USA, UK and Europe.